Friday, July 10, 2009
and choir elections are over. and i din get into admin com. was a bit sad and disappointed actually. but i think the new com seems quite good too. :) haha. i guess that's fate and i'm just not capable enough. but i'll still learn my alto part well and my love for njchoir WILL NOT die because of this! :D :D
anyway, A&A has replied and the ms angela tan from A&A is willing to let us interview her!! wahaha!! just that the date and time not really set yet lah. haha. :) yay!
and my sis having her graduation ceremony at nus today. and she got this book prize cos she has the best performance in some module, which very few ppl take. YAY!! :D
ok. pw interview survey tmr at kovan! :D
hold me now at 7/10/2009 11:12:00 PM
Thursday, July 02, 2009
and yes common tests have ended. and it's a nasty ending. chem is a killer as usual. and i'm really upset that i din even have time to ANYHOW shade my MCQ. but there are many others like me too, so i am not going to care about chem. shall work hard for promos then.
and there have been a lot of electrical appliances becoming faulty recently. the fan, the aircon, the tv, the socket, the main computer. and now the lights and fans in the kitchen and masterbed room. argh.
and i dunno. i have been feeling sad recently. dunno. got many things that make me unhappy. guess i'm too much of a perfectionist. will have to accept the fact that life is really NOT perfect at all.
and i'm eating sakae sushi buffet tmr! wahaha. i've nvr been there b4. i'm serious. hehe. yeah. so i'm quite excited.
sorry. i've got mood swings.
hold me now at 7/02/2009 03:33:00 PM
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
wow.. i realised i din blog for 1 month. hahahahah. anyway, i have been reallocated into e star cos i din pass my interview at h3 star. :( but well. went to meet the research supervisor ytd and it didn't seem that bad. he's assoc. prof. vincent chan and we (nigel seng and i) will be under his PhD student, soon seng. yeah. i think both of them are from hong kong cos they started talking in cantonese when they met. and they didn't want us to come very often, like maybe according to our schedule. yeah. and the project title is mechanochemical transduction in cells. yeah. i think it's quite an interesting topic lah. so i think i'll have fun! haha. the last week has been really bad for me. was so worried about this star thing but in the end, it turns out to be quite alright. phew.. :D
so i guess i'll start studying for CT. YAY! i wanna try to get h3 math so i gonna work hard! "A" for math CT! :D jiayou! :)
hold me now at 6/09/2009 09:10:00 AM
Friday, May 08, 2009
YAY! NJCHOIR CLINCHED A GOLD WITH HONOURS IN SYF 2009! woo yeah woo yeah.. hahaha.
hold me now at 5/08/2009 07:16:00 PM
Sunday, May 03, 2009
well. it has been a really busy week. from monday to thursday maybe. i was like missing some lessons every schoool day. but i learnt a lot at the same time. so it's ok. :D
anyway, there was SYF rehearsal at VCH on monday. and i thought we were quite bad actually in the sense that we took a very long time to get "warmed up" and really get into the music. but at least we got to have a feel of the actual stage on 5 may. yeah. and we noe wad mistakes to work on. and when i came back to sch, mon told me i got into STaR! hahaha. IBN. well. something to be happy about. but weirdly, i was not really happy. *shrug* and ms wan said my PW PI plan was ok. so yay! haha.
tuesday. i had the pre-u scholarship interview in the morning at MOE. and i think i flunked the 1st question. nvm then. it's over. and yes. missed lessons again. econs. but not too bad lah. managed to copy notes from yingli. yay! then had choir that day. which is bad too. argh.
wednesday. molecular genetics workshop day 1. damn fun leh. we did tranformation of E.Coli. and learnt really a lot a lot of things. and we did heat shock! hahaha. and missed lessons again. argh. but just chem i guess. and it's copying ans and all those stuff. so nvm lah. haha. then went for choir. at LT5. yeah. i can't rmb how was it. but i think we got better at the end.
thursday. molecular genetics workshop day 2. wahahaha. super fun lah. then there was this thing called ethidium bromide, which is carcinogenic. haha. so we have to wear gloves when we are using this chemical. haha. we did the agarose gel and resolving DNA today. i did not successfully load the DNA and thr DNA ladder. haha. cos i poked the gel and the thing like just diffuse into the TAE buffer. LOL. and and the trainer said our (mon and i) E. Coli is healthy! yay! hahaha. :D went for choir after that. seems like the best one i had so far. there was once we sang denn and the ending gave me goosebumps. wow. haha.
friday was labour day! yay! but i got this stupid flu and was dizzy like the whole day. argh.
saturday. choir practice in the morning. bad. :( but we had lunch after that at AMK hub. and i ate this dumpling ramen which was very nice. haha. :) and we laughed a lot. partly due to my awesomeness. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. :D
2 days to SYF! it's the last lap! JIAYOU! :D
hold me now at 5/03/2009 08:30:00 AM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
just heard about this piece of bad news. but i can't share it here. but it really makes me think a lot. yeah. anyway, i dun think u will ever be reading this, but stay strong. :)
anyway, 2 weeks of term 2 have passed! yeah. and i had a lot of tutorials to do! hahaha. and i haven't really finished all of them. haha. and i went to AJC family day just now. it was raining. :( anyway, i came home early cos i was not feeling well. suspect that i got food poisoning AGAIN. :( shall observe a while more. *shrug* octet tmr! and i'm looking forward! well.. i'm actually looking forward to every choir practice. :)
and i was emo-ing on friday. and i have no idea why. just feel this sudden sadness. and i really dunno why. maybe i was just tried on that day. *shrug* so i was not really HIGH that day. boo. yeah.
and i haven't been playing neopets for long. shall check them into a hotel soon. :) i'm a nice owner, ok?
and i finished PI draft. yeah. doens't look near perfect. but i tried my best, so it's ok. :)
yeah yeah. gonna do tutorials and mug scores! :) yeah yeah!
hold me now at 4/05/2009 09:19:00 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
term 1 is over! luckily there isn't much holiday assi9gnment. hehe. and pw hasn't started. starting next monday. yeah.
went back to andss on 13 march to collect my o level cert and school graduation cert. the school was like so empty and quiet. cos they had x-country before that. then went to library and mug for a while before eating dinner at sumo house. :) had a wonderful time! :)
15 march! mon's birthday! :)
had choir on 16 march. :) and ms lim didn't get angry at us. yay! hahaha. :) and yingli got a sore throat. :(
17 march. yingli's sore throat got worse. i forced her to sit behind and not sing. hahaha!!!! :) went out with mon, sooks, sarah, denise and izzah to celebrate mon and sooks's birthdays! :) we tapau dinner to the place around the fountain of wealth beside the road. haha. and the laser animation was nice! hahahaha. and i think both mon and sooks were surprised by the stuff we had prepared for them! yay! birthday celebration success! :) and the cake was so cool. it's like u can do the cake deco urself with the icing provided. cool right? sarah, izzah and denise went to jurong point to get it lor. haha. :) happy 17th birthday to mon and sooks again! have a wonderful 2009! :)
hold me now at 3/18/2009 08:21:00 AM
Sunday, March 01, 2009
FOOD POISONING!!!! from 17 feb to 23 feb. OMG! from school canteen food. shan't mention which stall. but just be careful when u're eating. :) argh! mushrooms!! anyway, i'm fine now! :) but missed a few lectures though. :( well.. will catch up! :)
09SH11!!! my new class!! yep!! haha. nice ppl!! yeah! gonna spend 2 yrs with all of u!! haha. and wei jun is in my class. classmates for 4 years! LOL. anyway, ppl in 09SH11, let's have fun! :)
NJCHOIR! :) i can't express my love for this choir although i have only been with them for maybe 2 to 3 weeks? but everyone is like so committed to this choir and it just makes me feel.. :D :D yeah yeah! SYF!! NJCHOIR JIAYOU! :)
ECONOMICS. omg. i dun really like u. there are really times i really regret taking the subject. but anyway, since i have chosen this subject, let's make the best out of it. :) jiayou! :) deadweight loss, consumer/producer surplus, demand, supply, PPF, elasticity..
MATH. :(
CHEMISTRY! quite ok so far. still like the subject!! :)
BIOLOGY!!!! <3
anyway, i'm in a happy mood, despite my sore throat. hehe. :)
hold me now at 3/01/2009 09:23:00 PM
Saturday, February 07, 2009
njc orientation is over! and hanping is so lucky to have another round of orientation in ajc. cos he appealed into ajc science or else he will be stucked in vjc arts stream for 2 years! :O haha. anyway, i'm really happy to noe that his school is in amk. :) hehe.
anyway, days 1 and 2 of orientation was kind of boring cos there were a lot of talks. code of conduct, blah blah blah. but the informal walk-in on day 2 was nice! the OGLs really could dance! :) yeah yeah. haha. the day 3 we had station games. and all of us were really wet and dirty and soapy. i'll always rmb the watermelon station. argh. haha. then we had cca carnival. and i went for choir audition 1 and got through. woohoo!! then day 4 was external hunt. i was kinda disppointed with the hunt though. but anyway, the bonding games that we had when we came back to college was like fun! haha. forfeit forfeit forfeit! haha. then day 5 we had to showdown. bascially it was just trying to throw as many water bombs into out theatre bomb bags. we din win! but i had lots of fun. got really wet too! haha. and i had aution 2 for choir that day too. dun feel really confident about it. :( then we had dance party that night! and i think i could to like 80% of the mass dances! haha. :) yay! and it was really high and i really like work out. now i'm aching all over. oh yah! my theatre for orientation is lycaon which symbolises originality. haha. and i'm in OG 16! OG 16 all the way! :) :)
lectures start next week and i'm glad that sch ends quite early for me everyday. yeah. can check out the timetable in the previous post. i take H2 bio, H2 chem, H2 math and H2 econs! :) yeah yeah!
hold me now at 2/07/2009 04:29:00 PM
sorry. my printer can only scan A4 pages. haha. :)
hold me now at 2/07/2009 12:14:00 PM
Monday, February 02, 2009
SCHOOL HAS STARTED. :( I'm so sad. Today is also a boring day. There was a jam in the morning. :( I have to change my subject combination tomorrow too. :( Change from biology, chemistry, mathematics and geography to biology, chemistry, mathematics and economics because I don't have the guts to take H2 geography with H2 biology. I queued up so long for my uniform but I didn't get anything in the end because the uniforms there don't have my size. :( I also ate very little for lunch because the mixed vegetables rice is quite little. :( We also didn't play any ice-breaking games. :( Sad + boring day.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a nicer day.
hold me now at 2/02/2009 06:18:00 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009

Look at this!
I think there are a lot of people who were not posted to their desired school/course. So good luck to those who are going to appeal. All the best! :) :)
hold me now at 1/30/2009 09:33:00 AM
初四 Fourth day of New Year
Went to Sarah's house! Met Mon, Izzah, Ying Yu, Fiona and Sooks at YCK MRT station and took 825 to Sarah's house!! Sarah's house is very pretty!! :D Then Siti came slightly later. We chitchated, watched tv, ate and played the massage chair at her house. Lol. We went to the playground too and challenged this obstacle climb. Well.. Sarah pioneered it so all of us had to give it a shot. It was not easy, ok. Mon had to lend me her FBT because i was wearing a skirt. Haha. Anyway there was lots of fun! :) :)
hold me now at 1/30/2009 09:12:00 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Happy chinese new year!!! :) I was so looking forward to CNY during the few days before CNY because there will be a lot of nice food!!! :P BUT.............. I was down with flu on the 1st day of CNY. Sad...... :(
24 January 2009
My family and I had our own steamboat reunion lunch. Yay! Foooooooooooooooooooooood!! Haha. :) Got fishballs, cheeseballs, etc. prawns, fish maw, veg, mushroom, pig's liver, tofu, fish and many more! I ate until i was bloated. LOL.
除夕New Year's Eve
I had reunion dinner at my paternal grandparents' house. :) My grandpa was watching tv when we came. He smiled when there was something funny on the show. I don't know why but that made me smile too. :) Then we had dinner together after my uncles and aunts arrived. I got a few ang pows too! :) Then went home and helped my dad prepare the offerings to 拜拜. Then played neopets. After that went to watch the channel 8 new year show. Went to sleep at around 12plus. :) Happy new year! :)
初一 First day of New Year
I woke up at around 7 plus. Had mild sore throat. :( Ate breakfast, bathed and went to visit my paternal grandparents first. Met my 大姑, 二姑 and their families there. After that went to the temple with my 大姑 and her family. After that went to my maternal grandparents' house. Ate lunch there and watched tv. :) Ate some food. Heaty food. The condition of my throat became worse. Then went to my 大舅's house (marsiling) next because it is very near to my maternal grandparents house (woodlands). Ate the vegetarian meal prepared by my 大舅. I think my cousin is very cute. He's in Primary One this year. He served all of us jelly drinks, which were initially tied together and arranged to look like a pineapple. Haha. Then after that my 阿姨 came to my house. We watched this show with Stephen Chow. Quite funny. But I think I watched before. After that I ate dinner. Voice became a little hoarse. :( We watched the Little Nyonya Reunion special. Not too bad lah. :) After that, I watched the news because of the solar eclipse. After that, I went to sleep.
初二 Second day of New Year
Woke up with a very hoarse voice and a bad sore throat! :O Terrible. But still, we went to have breakfast at McDonalds, as usual. :D And and i managed to get my last 2 McDigi2 toys!! YAY! Basketball and swimming! Woohoo!! :D So my eldest sis and I had hotcakes for breakfast because of 2 happy meal sets while my parents and my second eldest sis had the sausage mcmuffin. Yeah. Went home and watched this doraemon show. Was running a mild fever then. My parents was preparing lunch because there would be guests coming. My sister's boyfriend came first at around 11.30am. Then we played a few rounds of daidee and we had lunch in the kitchen. My mum prepared Bak Kut Teh, ngoh hiang, mixed veg, 笋干 and stir-fried rice cake. :) NICE! :D then my 大姑, 小姑 and their families. They had lunch at our house too. After that played a few rounds of shit daidee. Then we played saboteur with my cousins too! :D Had lots of fun! After that my 小叔 and his children came. His children very cute. One is in K2 and the other is in Primary 2. Haha. After that we went to 大姑's house. Didn't eat much there. Was feeling very terrible. D: After that went home and slept for a while. Then woke up for dinner. Played neopets. Watched tv and went to sleep with fever. :( Lousy day. :(
初三 Third day of New Year
Was feeling slightly better. Thoat hurt less. I went to NJC with my mum in the morning because we wanted to test the route. Took bus 74. We got down one stop earlier. :O So we had to walk a bit. After that we took bus 174 to National Dental Centre because we needed to test the route from the college to the dental centre. After that we went home. I ate lunch and slept for 1 hour plus. Runny nose. Bad. :(
AND AND Sarah invited us to her house tomorrow. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow and can go. :) Shall sleep early today. :D
hold me now at 1/28/2009 06:00:00 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
went to the national library today!!!! with mon! 1st time there! yay! borrowed 4 books. 2 fiction books, 1 chinese book on porridge (for my mum) and 1 baking book. and mon wants me to make choux pastry for her. i'll try. haha. :) i think we spent around 1 hour plus or 2 hours there. then we went to the food junction at bugis junction. cos i wanted to eat ice kacang but the ice kacang there was bloody ex. $2 for the kosong one. omg. so we went to this hawker centre to get the ice kacang. with durian topping! yay! hahahaha. then we went back to bugis junction. i wanted to go kinokuniya at 1st but mon was attracted to the arcade. and in the end, we spent $3 in all at the arcade. so 6 tokens. we played the hit-the-crocodile game, the spider one and the dustbin one. the dustbin game was recommended by the auntie there. she said play that game can get a lot of tickets. so we got 68 tickets in all. and the auntie rounded up for us to 70. so we got 1 yoyo each and 1 packet of yupi coke! hahahahahahaha. omg! so fun! hahaha. wad a nice day! woohoo! :)
hold me now at 1/21/2009 08:45:00 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
4/1 chalet was from 5 jan to 7 jan. and luckily we had 2 rooms. or else we would be super crammed. haha. played truth or truth or truth on the 1st night with mon, sarah, hanping, chi kwan, jingkai, clemence and emily. haha. and found out many secrets! HAHAHHAHA. but everything must be kept within that stone table. and i seriously hate the stone tables and benches outside the rooms. cos i always rubbed myself against them when i walked past them. :( oh yes! and bbq was on the 1st night. ms goh and mr andrew lim came! :) haha. had breakfast at macs on 2nd day. ate 2 pc hotcakes happy meal and got my 1st McDigi! baseball game! yay!!! haha. lunch was at this food court at downtown east. went cycling after that. for about 2 to 3 hours! :O haha. and got sunburnt. aiya. i got bring sun block but nvr apply. argh. then dinner was at white sands food court. ate this chicken macaroni. yep. went back to chalet and watched white chicks. LOL. hanping kept thinking it's called hot chicks. LOL. but the show super funny. then nearing the end of the show. they asked us to go out and lao yusheng. they picked an auspicious hour de lor. at around 12 midnight plus. LOL. then after we finished white chicks, i went to sleep. and when i woke up, it's 8am! :O i wanted to leave the chalet at 7am. hahahaha. so i went off with the rest in the end. hahaha.
2/2 chalet was at safra changi as usual. and the renovation really produced nice bungalows with good ambience. hahaha. :) veyr pretty. me and hanping trained to tanah merah together. then we met derong there. and we missed the shuttle bus! hahaha. so we took a cab there. yeah. haha. ernest and sarah were already there. and ernest made really nice lamingtons. :) haha. we had bbq on 1st night. but we din bbq everything. hehehe. around 10 plus ppl stayed overnight. yeah. then played mahjong for a while. then was movie marathon. superhero movie was really funny. after that we watched ruin, which was some horror thriller. yeah. but everything seems funny after superhero movie. LOL. then we watched love guru. then step up 2, which i din watch cos i was tired. haha. then at around 5 am, we ate instant noodles. bathed afther that. had 2 pc hotcakes happy meal for breakfast again! hahaha. macs delivery. 2nd McDigi. tennis! yep! ahahaha. then watched happy feet on HBO. wall-e after that. hahaha. and went for bowling. my 1st time. had a bit of luck at 1st. but after that i became really lousy. haha. haha. then went back to play mahjong. ate pizza and instant noodles for lunch. then finished watching wall-e although i was like falling asleep every now and then. not because the show was boring. i was too tired. haha. wall-e so cute!!! hahahaha. then we had bbq again! hahaha. heated up the pineapple rice 1st. then we had bbq! with marshmallows this time. hahaha. then at around 9pm plus, we played truth or truth or truth. 7 of us. ernest was sleeping upstairs. lol. he slept from 4pm. haha. found out lots of secrets again! haha. then went to watch movies again. haha. but i went up to sleep when they wanted to watch ruin again. actually it was just aneesh and yu xiang lah. haha. slept until 8am plus. haha. then went to bathe. ate cup noodles for breakfast! haha. and the leftover bbq food. then went off at around 10am plus. and we missed the shuttle bus out! boo. played cards at changi park for an hour plus. then took the 11.25am shuttle bus. went to watch ong bak 2 at tampines mall. lousy show. full of violence. and the ending was bad. the female actress like so insignificant lor. so sad. went home after that. was damn tired. can't even open my eyes properly. haha.
i love my friends!!!!!
hold me now at 1/16/2009 06:00:00 PM
Monday, January 05, 2009

after that we went to this waterfall and took some photos there!

saw this monkey in a cage. it's quite fierce leh..
took photos at some other place. but i forgot where. :P LOL.

nice dustbin!

we went into another museum. and we saw the car that the 1st prime minister of malaysia drove in!

then we went to The Chocolate Boutique! bought some chocolates there! btw there's tongkat ali chocolate too! LOL LOL! there was oso the chilli chocolate, which only tastes spicy when u're about the swallow the chocolate. argh! and i like the mint and durian chcolates the most! :D :D

looks cute right! it's a mail box. is that wad u call it? anyway, u get wad i mean right? haha. then we went back to sunway hotel. went for dinner after that. ate at new world park again! i ate jawa mee. and it's actually mee rebus! haha. then watched this very funny korean show in the hotel. 三个奶爸,一个妈! lol. hope the show come to singapore soon!!! then we slept at around 10pm cos we were really tired. haha.
27 DECEMBER 2008took these photos from the hotel room! pretty right! :)

we had breakfast at the hotel again. and i was really disppointed with the food. D: then the guide drove us to sungei nibong station at around 8am. we had to take a coach to KL from there. here are some photos of the Penang Bridge.

then we reached KL at around 1pm plus. wah! the trip from penang to KL damn long hor? haha. then we went to eat lunch at the vegetarian coffeeshop. then we back to Swiss Garden Hotel to rest for a while. then we went to Berjaya Times Square to shop shop shop! omg! the things there were damn cheap lor. maybe because of the sales. a pair of heels cost around S$20++. wow! and my sis bought this blouse and skirt for only S$30+! haha. in the end, i got this hush puppies blouse and a pair of open-toe heels. yeah! :) haha. then we went back to the hotel to dump our stuff there. then went off for dinner. ate chicken rice. next to a rubbish dump! LOL. cool experience. haha. then on this door, i saw 3 lizards together. i think they were a family. haha. :) then we went to this convenience store to buy some stuff, eg, beer, durian cake, rose tea, crackers, etc. then we went back to the hotel to pack our stuff. we watched tv for a while, then slept after that. :)
28 DECEMBER 2008
went for breakfast at the hotel. and the food was nice lah. so much better than sunway hotel's! :) haha. so ate quite a lot. :D then we went walk walk in KL. went for lunch at A&W! wow! there's A&W in malaysia! haha. :) bought 1 waffle for my eldest sis cos she was tired and decided to stay in the hotel. then we went to buy doughnuts on our way home. so that we could eat them on the coach ride home. :) 3 doughnuts. fresh lime, white chocolate and apple! :) then we went back to the hotel and watch mr. bean animated! woohoo!! i rmb i always watched this show in singapore at around 6pm on channel 5. but now dun have already. :( took the grassland coach at around 2pm. and we witnessed this car accident on our way. thus there was a traffic jam! btw there was another car accident when we were going to penang on 24 dec. :( btw the doughnuts were really nice. very soft and not oily. not like those in singapore. due to the traffic jam, we took a very long time to reach the toilet, so we had to use the toilet on the coach. and it was really bad. cos the coach was jerking and it was quite difficult to pee w/o spilling things all around. but i succeeded! yay! and the worst thing. there was no clean water to wash ur hand. argh. :( so had to wash when we finally reached a real toilet. bought chicken lunch for dinner and ate it on the coach. reached home at around 8pm plus. yay! HOME SWEET HOME!! :)
hold me now at 1/05/2009 06:57:00 AM
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
last day of 2008! and i went to the zoo with my maternal relatives. my uncles, aunt, cousins and my 2nd eldest sis! 7 of us. haha. had lots of fun there though the weather was quite hot initially and started raining for a while after that. yeah. photos will be up soon. cos i dun have all yet. haha. anyway, we saw crocodiles, giraffes, zebras, hippos, polar bears, sun bears, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, the primates, etc.. and not forgeting the SQUIRRELS! esp the african ones. they are super cute lor. keep scurrying around. then some keep eating. and some dun move at all. lol. guess those were sleeping. haha. then we watched the splash safari show. yeah. and the sea lion kept splashing water at us. well.. it was part of the show! haha. quite fun lah. hehe. i think we went to almost every part of the zoo. 95%? ate chicken rice for lunch. chicken rice from jurong east. haha. cos we din want to lunch at the zoo F&B outlets. the food damn ex. maybe except for the fastfood restaurants lah. then b4 leaving, we ate KFC and went home. my feet are aching a bit now cos of the walking. haha. alright, photos will be up soon!!
GOODBYE 2008! HELLO 2009!
hold me now at 12/31/2008 06:48:00 PM
30 December 2008
went to science centre with mon, sarah, denise and izzah! met denise and izzah at amk, then sarah and mon at yck and yishun respectively. boarded the train to jurong east and walked to science centre from there. haha. btw i dun have the photos yet. cos they are with sarah. haha. we ate lunch at macs 1st, then we went for the various exhibitions. there was the video conferencing thing. genome. optical illusion stuff. the magic exhibition, which i dun find really interesting. then there was the magic show and some science show, which includes some pH indicators (e.g. phenolphthalein). we went to the waterworks too! haha. stayed there for 4 to 5 hours. haha! it's very fun lor! oh yes! and we met mdm tey and her children there. and she said mrs poh told the teachers o level 2008 results may be out on 15 jan. quite a good date. won't clash with 2/2 chalet. yay! hopefully on that date lah. then went for dinner at chomp chomp. i din noe chomp chomp is the name of a hawker centre at 1st. i thought it was some slang. LOL. first time there. hehe. we had to order the hokkien mee cos we needed to borrow 2 stools from the stall auntie selling hokkien mee. cos we came too late and there were not enough seats. then we ordered stingray, kang kong, oyster omelette and satay. sugarcane juice too! super big mug! haha. then for dessert, we had the bandung touhua and chocolate douhua, and the super big $6.80 ice kacang. i have a pic of that. btw that's denise's hands. haha. reached home at around 9.50pm plus. was super tired and din watch iljimae. haha. zoo the next day!

hold me now at 12/31/2008 06:14:00 PM
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
went to malaysia from 24 dec to 28 dec. went to penang, then KL. the things there (food, clothes, shoes, etc.) are damn cheap and of good quality too!!!!!!!!!
24 DECEMBER 2008went to AMK bus interchange to board the bus to golden mile complex. saw denise there too! haha. anyway, we board the bus and the bus was very crowded. then we reached there and met my paternal relatives there. 12 of us. after a while, we boarded a grassland coach. the super VIP one. haha. the size of the seat was comparable to that of a commercial plane business class! haha. and they provided mineral water and this cake. not too bad uh? haha. then watched 江山美人. quite a nice show. then slept a while until the next toilet break.

25 DECEMBER 2008CHRISTMAS DAY PLUS MUM'S BIRTHDAY! haha. COOL RIGHT? we reached penang sungei nibong bus station at around 7am. had to board another coach to sunway hotel. and guess wad? it wasn't a coach. but a small van to take the 12 of us. and the driver was actually our tour guide too. haha. gunas. and i think he speaks really good english. i preferred a van actually. faster. haha. then reached sunway hotel at around 8 plus. cos the rooms weren't ready yet. so had to wait a while. went for breakfast 1st. ate fried mee sua. then walked walked a bit. then went back to hotel to get our rooms. dad and mum's room and my sisters and my room are connecting rooms! yay! so fun! haha. then went to take a nap cos didn't sleep much on the grassland coach. after that went for lunch. ate asam laksa. quite nice. and cheap too! around S$1 plus. haha. went to shop at the bata there. wanted to get this pair of track shoes, but dun have my size. :( and it's very cheap and pretty lor. S$20 plus only. then went to new world park. it's a shopping mall that looks like bugis junction.

me with a pink elephant!

hello ms astronaut! haha!
then went to eat at the food court. bought ice
kacang, kueh petee and some other stuff, but i can't rmb. then went to shop at new world park!! i din get anything, but my eldest sis and mum got a pair of shoes each. both are heels and they cost like only S$20 plus? wow right? haha. then went back to the hotel to wait for gunas, our tour guide, to bring us for dinner. went for dinner at this restaurant called east hokkaido restaurant. haha. it's a sea food restaurant actually. and the food there was very nice. haha.

after dinner was sightseeing with our tour guide. he brought us around in that same van lor. haha. went to a night market at batu ferringhi. a place there was once hit by the 2004 indian ocean tsunami. but the houses there are very ex. all those penthouses and all that. and a lot 5-star hotels. shangri-la, holiday inn, etc. bought some stuff there. then went back to hotel. watched a bit of tv then went to sleep.
26 DECEMBER 2008
woke up at 6.30pm and went to bathe. then went down to the hotel's cafe for breakfast. and the food wasn't very nice. :( after breakfast, took some photos at the hotel lobby.

then met gunas and went for day tour! went to taman negara national park 1st. but we din go in. lol. we just stayed outside to take photos near the fishing village.

drove past this dam. but i forgot its name. lol.

went to the tropical fruit farm next! fruits! bought some fruit juice there too. got guava and starfruit.

nutmeg plant

spot the largest watermelon! haha. :)

mum and dad posing with nutmegs. lol.
hold me now at 12/30/2008 07:57:00 AM